The Church Of God Launches The Finish Challenge!



Dear Visionary Leader:

There is a sound of the mighty rushing wind inspiring the body of Christ to synergize their efforts to help fulfill the great commission in this generation.

At the Church of God General Assembly last week, more than 10,000 pastors and leaders from around the world gathered in Orlando Florida. It was during this historic gathering, that Dr. Timothy Hill, World Missions Director for the Church of God, announced The Finish Challenge. The word “Finish” has been turned into an acronym to clearly articulate the steps the Church of God is taking to help finish the Great Commission.

F – Find the unreached people groups and partner to evangelize, disciple and plant churches among them.

I – Intercede in prayer and fasting for God’s anointing to rest upon this global effort of evangelism, discipleship and church planting worldwide. The first step is to find 25,000 intercessors.

– Nurture pastors and leaders through assessment, coaching and training.

– Investment of money and talent into reached and unreached fields until all have heard of Jesus.

– Send missionaries and partners to evangelize the lost, equip leaders and exalt Christ.

– Harvest new converts and turn them into disciples.

The overarching goals include the adoption of 250 more unreached peoples, the planting of more than 25,000 more churches and the winning of millions of people to Christ by 2020.





The Global Church learning center is a key component of The Finish Challenge of the Church of God. Dr. Timothy Hill and Dr James O. Davis, CoFounder of the Billion Soul Network, have synergized their efforts to bring the very finest training to the Church of God pastors and leaders in 176 nations. The GCLC continues to add two to three new courses per month. Are you a member yet? Be sure to check out the global church learning center and become a member today!




Convening on January 20-22, 2015, in Melbourne, Florida. Dr. Kenneth C. Ulmer, Senior Pastor of Faithful Central Bible Church, Los Angles, CA, Dr. Mark Williams, General Overseer for the Church of God, Cleveland, TN, and Dr. James O. Davis, Cofounder of the Billion Soul Network, will be the three distinguished teachers. There are 11 seats left for this historic gathering of pastors and leaders who wish improve their preaching skills in the 21st Century. Register today and makes plans to attend the North American Roundtable On Biblical Preaching in winter, 2015, in sunny Florida!





I believe that every one of us want to remain on the cutting edge all the years of our life. I am beginning a five-part series in this section of our weekly ezine entitled Recovering The Cutting Edge. As I think about where the Church has been and where the Church is today, we have unlimited potential to achieve more in the next 5 to 10 years than in the last 50 to 100 years.

The story is told in 2 Kings 6: 5-7, about a young man who lost the axe head in the Jordan River. He had been swinging the axe and cutting down trees. Yet, he did not realize that the axehead was gradually working off the end of the handle. When this young man reached back one more time to swing the axe, the axehead came off and landed in the river. He cried out to Elisha to help them to find it. A miracle took place before his eyes. Elisha thew a limb into the river and the axe began floating on the surface, swimming against the current. He was able then to recover the axe head and continued to do the work of God.

The very first step to recovering the cutting edge is to Admit Its Loss. If one has lost the cutting edge, he/she will never recover with human force by what he/she lost by human fault. You will never recover the power from on high by hiding behind a mountain of man-made excuses. In order to recover the cutting edge one has to be willing to admit that he/she no longer has it in his or her life. The doorway of humility is the pathway of teachability. Many Christian leaders have movement without much might and energy without much effectiveness!

I encourage you in the next few days to make an assessment of your life and ministry. Dr. Michael Knight, Cochair of Global Coaching in the Billion Soul Network and Founder of the Global Coaching Network, states that “ACT” requires three parts:

A – Assessment
C – Coaching
T – Training

I challenge you to act today! We desperately need the cutting edge in the body of Christ and move forward into uncharted waters.


Until The Last Person Has Heard,

Dr. James O. Davis
Cofounder / Billion Soul Network
Cochair / Global Networking