Four Million New Churches & Moving Forward!


Dear Visionary Leader,


On August 31, 2017, the Billion Soul Network passed by the next level of 4 million new churches being planted since September, 2005. In September, 2005, more than 500 key leaders from 80 different denominations and organizations gathered in Dallas, Texas. When they gathered, they launched collectively the billion soul initiative for the planting of 5 million new churches for a billion soul harvest.


When the Billion Soul Initiative began, the goal was to plant 5 million new churches by the end of 2020. At the present time, the Billion Soul Network is on scheduled to achieve this goal. In the last 12 years, BSN has grown to more than 2,400 different organizations and more than 500,000 churches worldwide.










I believe that every Spirit-filled leader is to make sure that he or she keeps the cutting edge in their life. It is possible for any of us to be working hard, not paying attention to the axehead on the axe handle, that we lose the edge at any time in our life.

In the last several weeks, we have been reflecting on what it takes to really recover the cutting edge, if or when we ever lose it. When Elisha and his students moved to a new location due to the growth of his ministry, the Word of God focused on one young man who was striving to cut a tree down before him. As he worked feverishly and faithfully, the axehead was working itself off the handle. Then, when he reared back once again to place the ax into the tree trunk, he lost the axe head into the water.

So far, we have learned in order to recover the cutting-edge we must admit it’s loss and we must acknowledge it’s loan. In this session, we will learn that:


We Must Affirm It’s Location


When Elisha asked,” where is it?, the young man pointed to the exact place where he lost it. He did not try to distract Elisha are deflect the blame from himself, he simply pointed to the place where he lost it.

Why did Elisha ask him where did he lose it? The answer is simple. The place where we lose it is the place where we get it back. He was not going to recover it up the river are down the river, but at the exact place where he lost it.

Have you lost the cutting-edge? If so, where did you lose it? Are you able to point at the place where you lost it? It is at the place where we lose it, that we get it back. If you lost it, when you became more interested in doing than being, go back to the place of being and you will find the cutting edge. If you lost it, when you got so wrapped up in busyness instead of business, you go back to business and there you will find it. If you lost the cutting-edge when you neglected your private time with the Lord, when you go back to your private time there you’ll find it. If you lost the cutting edge, when you did not put moral margins in your life, when you go back to that place of biblical balance, there you will find it!

It is always at the place where we lost it, where we get the cutting edge again in our life. It is so important that we have a sense of where we are in our walk with God, where we are in our relationships with our family and with friends and colleagues. Take time to check your axe head today!


Until The Last Person Has Heard,

Dr. James. O. Davis
Cofounder / Billion Soul Network
Cochair / Global Networking